Looking For A Cystic Acne Cure

This entry was posted Sunday, 22 March, 2009 at 2:03 AM

Although people with cystic acne hope for a permanent solution to their problem, a cystic acne cure has not been found to date. Cystic acne is commonly thought to be a problem for hormonal adolescents, however there is also adult cystic acne which can be just as bad and is found in both males and females.

Cystic acne is caused by bacteria and dirt clogging up the pores in the skin. The problem is exacerbated by the sebaceous oil glands under the skin creating too much oil which also clogs the pores of the skin. This leads to pustules being created under the skin which are red and full of blood and pus which is itchy and painful. Since it is itchy, it is tempting for individuals to scratch them, which only serves to spread the infection to other parts of the skin and create more pustules. In addition, it is tempting to want to squeeze the pustules to get rid of the bump and have smoother skin, but this can lead to permanent scarring and pock marks in the skin.

Effective Treatment Options

Although there is not a cystic acne cure, there are several treatments that can help those with cystic acne. The closest thing to a cystic acne cure is to use prevention by keeping the skin clean at all times. Those with hyper sebaceous oil glands are wise not to use much if any make-up on the skin since it only serves to help to clog it. However, if make-up is used, it should be hypo-allergenic and as light as possible to prevent clogging. In addition, a thorough skin care regimen should be followed twice a day. In order to be ‘cured’ of cystic acne, the skin must be washed with a cleansing agent that removes all excess oil and dirt from the skin. An exfoliating agent should follow so that excess dead skin cells and any other oil or dirt is removed from the skin that the cleanser missed. After that, a light moisturizer should be used to replenish the skin without adding excess oil to it.

There are also antibiotics and other medicines that help to cure the cystic acne infections that cause the pustules to be formed. These are usually used only if external medicines and treatments do not seem to have any effect. There are also more extreme treatments for cystic acne in both adults and adolescents such as laser treatments in which the infected cells are destroyed and the pores that are clogged are opened as well as helping to close the pores that are too large in the skin to prevent clogging in the future.

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