Causes and Treatments of Acne

This entry was posted Wednesday, 13 May, 2009 at 3:43 PM

Acne is a skin condition that generally affects facial skin tissue.  Extreme cases, however, can also affect the skin tissue of the upper torso. This  condition, while not actually life-threatening, can lead to disfigurement of the skin due to scars and blemishes if the case is extreme and is left untreated. There are several types of acne and the causes may be the same or different for each type. The most common type of acne is the one medically identified as acne vulgaris. This type of skin condition is usually found in adolescents on the verge of puberty although there are cases of individuals who carry it well into adulthood.

Causes of Acne

This  condition appears when the sebaceous glands in the skin are blocked, leading to inflammation of the pores in the skin. One contributing factor to the onset of acne is the genetic predisposition of the individual. Some people appear to be genetically more succeptible to this skin condition than others. Individuals prone to the dreaded skin condition may also suffer from over-productive glands or excessive shedding of skin which can result in blocked pores leading to inflammation.

Skin sensitivity as well as  hormonal changes that may occur in individuals can also contribute to outbreaks of blemishes which are associated with acne . These hormonal changes may be manifested during puberty and before or during a woman’s menstrual cycle. Acne can also appear when the individual is stressed or eating too much fatty or greasy food.  So, an individual’s diet can also be a big factor leading to acne because the oils from food will be added to the sebum that our skin nturally produces. Bacteria can also play a big  part in skin inflammation.  Stress resulting in lack of sleep which can also contribute to skin conditions culminating in acne.

Treating Acne

Acne treatment may be as simple as reducing the amount of greasy or fatty food ingested by the individual. This reduction is a good idea for cases where acne is triggered by food intake. For cases where hormones play a major role in the skin condition, medication in the form of medically prescribed pills or topical cream applications may also be used. These medications can help alleviate or  control the inflammation as well as eliminate  bacteria that trigger acne outbreaks.  Naturally, hygiene also plays a large  role in controlling acne. Keeping the skin, especially the facial skin as well as the chest, neck and back parts clean is essential. Good hygeine can greatly reduce the occurrence of clogged pores and dirt in the skin which can contribute to or aggravate the condition.

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